Therapeutic Programs
Chastain Horse Park is a PATH International Premier Accredited Center. This designation confirms that our center is operating according to the best standards and practices in the industry—safety, professionalism, credibility. PATH Intl. is an international voice of the EAS industry. As the premier professional membership organization, PATH Intl. advocates for EAS and provides standards for safe and ethical equine interaction, through education, communication, standards and research.
Throughout the world, hundreds of thousands of individuals with and without disabilities experience the rewarding benefits of equine-assisted services (EAS).

Therapeutic Horsemanship and Adaptive Riding
Therapeutic riding uses equine-assisted activities for the purpose of contributing positively to cognitive, physical, emotional, and social well-being of people with disabilities. Therapeutic riding provides benefits in the areas of health, education, sport and recreation & leisure. Horseback riding rhythmically moves the rider’s body in a manner similar to a human gait and experiencing the motion of the horse can be very therapeutic. Individuals with physical disabilities often show improvement in flexibility, balance and muscle strength. We serve children (4 years and older) and adults with disabilities of all types. Questions? Email Us.​​
Scholarship Opportunities
Chastain Horse Park makes Therapeutic Programming financially accessible to all. We are
an approved vendor for some of the third party payer agencies such as Acumen Fiscal Agent, Georgia Community Solutions and Services, Bobby Dodd Institute, Easter Seals/Champions for Children, Georgia Brain & Spinal Injury Trust Fund Commission.

Why Equine Movement?
Equine movement provides multidimensional movement, which is variable, rhythmic and repetitive. The horse provides a dynamic base of support, making it an excellent tool for increasing trunk strength and control, balance, building overall postural strength and endurance, addressing weight bearing, and motor planning. The effects of equine movement on postural control, sensory systems, and motor planning can be used to facilitate coordination and timing, grading of responses, respiratory control, sensory integration skills and attention skills. Equine movement can be used to facilitate the neurophysiologic systems that support all of our functional daily living skills.